I recently downloaded Netflix on to my playstation3 and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with the results. Granted it's a free trial but the movie selection is horrible! It's basically a list of crappy movies I've either seen or decided not to see. I mean, in the new arrivals section they got movies like Basic Instinct 2 and Passenger 57. Really? This is what you're calling a 'new arrival'??
"Always bet on black"
"Always bet on black"

As a result of such a shitty movie selection I was forced to investigate the documentary section. This turned out to be a fantastic twist of fate because I watched a variety of compelling documentaries on some important topics....or at least I think so.
One of the first documentaries I watched was a film called "Tapped". "Tapped" is a movie about the dangers of bottled water and not tapping dat ass. The film gives a behind the scenes look at the bottled water industry. The film had such a profound effect on me I decided that I would boycott all bottled water (as best I could) from here on out! The next day I went out and got a BPA free plastic water jug! BPA stand for Bisphenol A, which is a deadly cancer causing toxin in plastic that seeps into bottled water among other things. It's been 2 weeeks and I haven't had a sip of any bottled water! That may not seem like a big deal to any of you but I'm proud of it! It's like my way of resisting the new world order. Whenever I speak about politics and the new world order people always ask me "well, what are you doing about it??" Well, this is me doing something about it! It may be futile but at least I'm doing something. The fuck you doing?????????
Another documentary I watched was about the food industry business called "Food INC". At first it started off like any other 'where your food comes from' movie.... chicken coups n slaughter house type shit. Then things got interesting when the film started to go into genetically modified foods and a company called Monsanto. Owww, Monsanto!! Ya see, back in the 80's Monsanto was the first company to genetically modify seeds (soybean, corn, wheat, etc.). Many farmers began to plant the GM seeds because they were resistant to certain pesticides and were supposed to 'yield' better crops. During this time Monsanto also filed a patent on these GM seeds. The law basically says that if a farmer uses any of Monsanto's GM seeds then Monsanto is entitled to all of the farmers 'yield'.
For example!
For example!
Lets say Plan B owns a farm. And on this farm he had some crops (E-I-E-I-O) and all of his crops came from natural seeds. Now, the guy who lives across the street from me is a farmer too, except he's planting GM seeds from Monsanto. "Good luck neighbor!" Then, one windy night some of the Monsanto seeds accidentally blow across the street and into my soil. The crops grow and nobody can even tell the difference, that is until Monsanto's goon squad shows up to tests the crops. Even if 1% of my crops is determined to come from a Monsanto seed I own them, under law, all my crops!! WTF??
These dudes are ruthless! When it comes to Monsanto its either get down or lay down! You either buy seeds directly from them or they'll sue you and drive you out of business through a series of long legal battles. And the best part! You have to buy seeds from them annually because you're not allowed to keep any of the GM seeds for replanting. That way farmers have to keep coming back to Monsanto year after year after year! Good for Monsanto, bad for American farmers.
These dudes are ruthless! When it comes to Monsanto its either get down or lay down! You either buy seeds directly from them or they'll sue you and drive you out of business through a series of long legal battles. And the best part! You have to buy seeds from them annually because you're not allowed to keep any of the GM seeds for replanting. That way farmers have to keep coming back to Monsanto year after year after year! Good for Monsanto, bad for American farmers.
I encourage readers to check out these 2 documentaries and do some research on both subjects. Bottled water and Monsanto. and when ya do tell em Plan "B" sent chya!! (Large Marg laugh)