Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thoughts from the War Room

2011 is starting out to be a pretty awesome year!  Hundreds of birds falling out of the sky, thousands of fish turning up dead in rivers, psycho-loner shootings, major snow storms blanketing most the nation, gigantic cyclones crashing into Australia and massive public uprisings against oppressive governments. And that's just January!

For the past few days I've been hunkered down in my War Room, monitoring the news and keeping a close eye on the situation over in Egypt.  The weather really sucks! 

Btw, War Room is code for "parents basement" : (

Man, I love a good uprising. The footage of these riots is amazing! People are running around all wild and crazy, throwing rocks and hurling molotov cocktails. Screaming and chanting going on, dudes are breaking windows and burning shit. There's random gun fire. It all makes for some pretty good TV.  I especially love watching these dummy news reporters getting their asses kicked when they try to report from inside some unruly crowd.  These people have no food, no job and live off $2 a day, they don't give a fuck about no Anderson Cooper.  Is it too late to send Sean Hannity over there??

Plan "B" fully supports the people of Egypt and their rioting ways.  Seeing oppressed people rise up and fight against their government makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Power to the people!  What troubles me is that social unrest is becoming a common trend in many countries across the globe and could be heading our way.  I'd be down to riot for a few different causes. You know, anti-NWO shit or some UFO disclosure just to name a few.  When I say I'm down to riot, I mean I'd attend to a riot. I'm not trying to be the dude on the front line breaking the law but i'll be the dude 50 people back cheering that guy on!  "Yea! Burn that fucker down!!!  Yo, kick that window bro! kick that shit!!! Kick it!! Yeaaaaa!"   I just wanna be a mob guy that's all.

What would it take for you to riot????  What an interesting question!

During the riots in Cairo, the Egyptian government shut down the Internet as a way to curb protesters from gathering.  That only made the people madder.  That would make me mad too!  I love the Internet! Here in America, senators are working on legislation that would give the President power to shut down the Internet.  A so-called Internet "kill switch".   Of course, it would only be used in the event of a national emergency blah blah blah blah.

I think people would riot if the government shut down the Internet in America.  Yea, you wouldn't be able to communicate.  Yea, you couldn't get any information. Yea, yea, yea. None of that matters.  Do you know how many people are addicted to Internet porn?? I'm not sure of the exact number but I can assure you it's a lot!  These aren't the type of people you want to agitate either.  They're already on the edge. Theres a thin line that keeps single, lonely men from plunging into the deep abyss of insanity and that thin line is Internet porn.  Take that away and you'll have chaos.  If a man can't bust a nut he's gonna find another way to release his tension.  9 times out of 10 that means something is gonna get fucked up.

People in America need to start rioting over shit. We need to start flipping cars.  The world is spinning out of control and its like nobody can be bothered.  OH, SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOU DURING TEEN MOM YOU WASTE OF LIFE!! The Egyptian youth population is leading political protests to change their government.  China's youth is number 1 in reading, math and science.  What's Americas youth good at?? Text messaging??  Cyber bullying other kids to the point of suicide??   American kids are a bunch of uninformed, ignorant, over sexed, over privileged, drugged out, wimps!   Time to step our game up America.