Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Plan "B" here... stricken with a bout of food poisoning. It's not a fun experience but I'm trying to look at it in a positive way! For instance, I look at the constant diarrhea attacks as a good way to shed a few of those unwanted pounds! Plus, the powerful blasts of deuce give me a great opportunity to really work my abs! Summers right around the corner gang!

I recently downloaded Netflix on to my playstation3 and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with the results. Granted it's a free trial but the movie selection is horrible! It's basically a list of crappy movies I've either seen or decided not to see. I mean, in the new arrivals section they got movies like Basic Instinct 2 and Passenger 57. Really? This is what you're calling a 'new arrival'??
"Always bet on black"
"Always bet on black"

As a result of such a shitty movie selection I was forced to investigate the documentary section. This turned out to be a fantastic twist of fate because I watched a variety of compelling documentaries on some important topics....or at least I think so.
One of the first documentaries I watched was a film called "Tapped". "Tapped" is a movie about the dangers of bottled water and not tapping dat ass. The film gives a behind the scenes look at the bottled water industry. The film had such a profound effect on me I decided that I would boycott all bottled water (as best I could) from here on out! The next day I went out and got a BPA free plastic water jug! BPA stand for Bisphenol A, which is a deadly cancer causing toxin in plastic that seeps into bottled water among other things. It's been 2 weeeks and I haven't had a sip of any bottled water! That may not seem like a big deal to any of you but I'm proud of it! It's like my way of resisting the new world order. Whenever I speak about politics and the new world order people always ask me "well, what are you doing about it??" Well, this is me doing something about it! It may be futile but at least I'm doing something. The fuck you doing?????????
Another documentary I watched was about the food industry business called "Food INC". At first it started off like any other 'where your food comes from' movie.... chicken coups n slaughter house type shit. Then things got interesting when the film started to go into genetically modified foods and a company called Monsanto. Owww, Monsanto!! Ya see, back in the 80's Monsanto was the first company to genetically modify seeds (soybean, corn, wheat, etc.). Many farmers began to plant the GM seeds because they were resistant to certain pesticides and were supposed to 'yield' better crops. During this time Monsanto also filed a patent on these GM seeds. The law basically says that if a farmer uses any of Monsanto's GM seeds then Monsanto is entitled to all of the farmers 'yield'.
For example!
For example!
Lets say Plan B owns a farm. And on this farm he had some crops (E-I-E-I-O) and all of his crops came from natural seeds. Now, the guy who lives across the street from me is a farmer too, except he's planting GM seeds from Monsanto. "Good luck neighbor!" Then, one windy night some of the Monsanto seeds accidentally blow across the street and into my soil. The crops grow and nobody can even tell the difference, that is until Monsanto's goon squad shows up to tests the crops. Even if 1% of my crops is determined to come from a Monsanto seed I own them, under law, all my crops!! WTF??
These dudes are ruthless! When it comes to Monsanto its either get down or lay down! You either buy seeds directly from them or they'll sue you and drive you out of business through a series of long legal battles. And the best part! You have to buy seeds from them annually because you're not allowed to keep any of the GM seeds for replanting. That way farmers have to keep coming back to Monsanto year after year after year! Good for Monsanto, bad for American farmers.
These dudes are ruthless! When it comes to Monsanto its either get down or lay down! You either buy seeds directly from them or they'll sue you and drive you out of business through a series of long legal battles. And the best part! You have to buy seeds from them annually because you're not allowed to keep any of the GM seeds for replanting. That way farmers have to keep coming back to Monsanto year after year after year! Good for Monsanto, bad for American farmers.
I encourage readers to check out these 2 documentaries and do some research on both subjects. Bottled water and Monsanto. and when ya do tell em Plan "B" sent chya!! (Large Marg laugh)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
man, I must really have nothing to do today!
While on my relaxing vacation I made it a point to stay as disconnected from 24 hour cable news as possible. For me, watching 24 hr cable news channels angry's up the blood! I needed a break from the constant bombardment of NWO propaganda, it was really stressing me out! And for the most part I stayed true to my oath of no cable news.
Enter Charlie Sheen.
The only time I watched the news during my vacation was to see/hear the latest Charlie Sheen rant, which turned out to be a daily thing, so I guess I watched a lot of cable news now that I think of it. Shit. Of course the interview that set off this whole media fire storm was on the Alex Jones Show! Shout out!!!
Say what you want about Charlie Sheen, but you gotta admit dude's been KILLING IT in all these interviews! He single handedly spawned like, 5 catch-phrases in the course of a week causing social networking sites to explode. I mean, you literally can't walk down the street without someone yelling out "Winning!" It's hysterical but very close to becoming played out.
The mainstream media is a truly disgusting entity. While the Charlie Sheen story is very entertaining, there's more important stories that they should be covering. The only thing the mainstream media loves more then a celebrity meltdown is a political sex scandal. Clearly they have high journalistic standards. I watch these TV goons and they all say how they're going to 'pray' for him because they really care for his well being. They say they'll 'pray' for him but they never tell what they're praying for exactly. Are you praying that he stays sober and reconnects with his family? Or are you praying that he keeps shooting off at the mouth and keeps the media circus running so you can milk it for ratings???? Hmmm. All these fake journalists sit on tv judging him for the lifestyle he's living, degrading him every chance they get, at the same time promoting they're own Charlie Sheen interview. Hypocritical much??? TV news people are so dooshy!
I've always been a fan of Charlie Sheen's work. More so in the movies rather then TV. Wasn't really into 2 1/2 Men but he definitely made that show into what it was. He turned their tin cans in to gold! Plan "B" supports Charlie Sheen and his crazy rants. You can consider me to be in Sheen's-Korner as long as he continues to stand up to mainstream media and fights against Hollywood's hypocrisy.
Here's Plan "Bs" Top 5 Favorite Charlie Sheen Movies:
1) Major League- Rick Vaughan
2) Wall Street - Bud Fox
3) Hot Shot 1 n Deux - Topper Harley
4) Cadance - he was the white prisoner w the black prisoners
5) Men at Work - Carl the garbage man
Honorable Mention:
Platoon - too depressing for me
Red Dawn

Feel me up before you go-go
Hello friends!
Plan "B" here after a MUCH needed extended vacation. I spent the last 2 weeks staying with a friend in an undisclosed tropical locale. It was awesome, the weather was perfect. I was kicking at the beach everyday, loving every minute of it. Matter of fact, I want you all to address me as Plan Beach from now on...meh, nevermind that, Plan "B" works fine. Anyways, it felt really good to get out of NY. Turns out, I was really stressed! I guess fighting the new world order on a daily basis can really wear a man out...I can only imagine how people on the REAL front lines feel. Shout out to them!
Lets talk airport security! The last time I was on a airplane was 2007, so I was really anxious to get a first had look at how intrusive the airport security had really become. My primary concern was the body scanners. Were they using them? Would I have to go through one? Did I have to balls to 'opt-out'? I flew out of JFK and was relieved to find that they were NOT using the back scatter body scanners, unfortunately, the undisclosed airport I flew back from DID use them.
SIDE NOTE: The weird thing about the body scanners is that they are called "Rapiscans" that's the actual name of them! I always thought people were calling them Rapescans because they were so intrusive but that's their names. I thought that was funny and ironic.
The undisclosed airport had 4 security lanes open, 2 of which were using the body scanners. I mistakenly ended up in the body scanner line because it was the shortest line of the 4 but I quickly got off the line when I realized what was going on. There was no need for me to 'opt out', but I would have! As I left the body scanner line for the normal metal detector line I heard a TSA agent announce that "all passengers with infants and baby strollers must go through gate 1". Gate 1 was the body scanner line! WTF!?!?! I didn't see any babies go through the scanner and I'm glad I didn't because I probably would have caused scene and end up getting myself arrested.
Man, fuck the TSA! Maybe it's just me but they gave me a really creepy vibe at both airports I flew out of. None of the agents were friendly, they were all sloppy looking people with bad attitudes who could barley speak English. Real prize winners! When I asked an agent about the possibility of walking through a body scanner machine the bitch looked at me like I was crazy. I felt like slapping that stupid look off her face. "you know, those illegal naked body scanners that shoot people with deadly x-rays, ever heard of em before Pilar???" OWNED!
My feelings about the TSA screening process being a complete waste of time were confirmed when I witnessed the public groping of an 85 year old grandmother. She was probably picked at random for a pat-down but really?? How fucking stupid is that?? God forbid the TSA profile terrorist and criminals!! RACISTS!!!!!!!! This poor woman was giving an extremely embarrassing pat-down in front of everyone at the security check point. They made her lift her shirt half way up, exposing her flabby old belly. They felt up on her boobies. They got all up in her crotchal region. They stuck their hands INSIDE her pants before finally giving her the "OK" to go. I just shook my head in disgust as I walked away.
I'm all for airport safety but these security measures need to be re-evaluated. The TSA is like the airport gestapo running around in their ugly dark blue uniforms and I'm not down with it at all!!!
Plan "B" here after a MUCH needed extended vacation. I spent the last 2 weeks staying with a friend in an undisclosed tropical locale. It was awesome, the weather was perfect. I was kicking at the beach everyday, loving every minute of it. Matter of fact, I want you all to address me as Plan Beach from now on...meh, nevermind that, Plan "B" works fine. Anyways, it felt really good to get out of NY. Turns out, I was really stressed! I guess fighting the new world order on a daily basis can really wear a man out...I can only imagine how people on the REAL front lines feel. Shout out to them!
Lets talk airport security! The last time I was on a airplane was 2007, so I was really anxious to get a first had look at how intrusive the airport security had really become. My primary concern was the body scanners. Were they using them? Would I have to go through one? Did I have to balls to 'opt-out'? I flew out of JFK and was relieved to find that they were NOT using the back scatter body scanners, unfortunately, the undisclosed airport I flew back from DID use them.
SIDE NOTE: The weird thing about the body scanners is that they are called "Rapiscans" that's the actual name of them! I always thought people were calling them Rapescans because they were so intrusive but that's their names. I thought that was funny and ironic.
The undisclosed airport had 4 security lanes open, 2 of which were using the body scanners. I mistakenly ended up in the body scanner line because it was the shortest line of the 4 but I quickly got off the line when I realized what was going on. There was no need for me to 'opt out', but I would have! As I left the body scanner line for the normal metal detector line I heard a TSA agent announce that "all passengers with infants and baby strollers must go through gate 1". Gate 1 was the body scanner line! WTF!?!?! I didn't see any babies go through the scanner and I'm glad I didn't because I probably would have caused scene and end up getting myself arrested.
Man, fuck the TSA! Maybe it's just me but they gave me a really creepy vibe at both airports I flew out of. None of the agents were friendly, they were all sloppy looking people with bad attitudes who could barley speak English. Real prize winners! When I asked an agent about the possibility of walking through a body scanner machine the bitch looked at me like I was crazy. I felt like slapping that stupid look off her face. "you know, those illegal naked body scanners that shoot people with deadly x-rays, ever heard of em before Pilar???" OWNED!
My feelings about the TSA screening process being a complete waste of time were confirmed when I witnessed the public groping of an 85 year old grandmother. She was probably picked at random for a pat-down but really?? How fucking stupid is that?? God forbid the TSA profile terrorist and criminals!! RACISTS!!!!!!!! This poor woman was giving an extremely embarrassing pat-down in front of everyone at the security check point. They made her lift her shirt half way up, exposing her flabby old belly. They felt up on her boobies. They got all up in her crotchal region. They stuck their hands INSIDE her pants before finally giving her the "OK" to go. I just shook my head in disgust as I walked away.
I'm all for airport safety but these security measures need to be re-evaluated. The TSA is like the airport gestapo running around in their ugly dark blue uniforms and I'm not down with it at all!!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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