I'm a big fan on Thanksgiving but it feels like Christmas is making Thanksgiving its bitch. Christmas stays intruding on Thanksgiving more and more each year and I find it to be a bit annoying. Fall back Christmas! You get the entire month of December for people to fawn over you, Thanksgiving gets 1 day...let em live!
Thanksgiving time is one of the busiest travel days of the year, which brings me to the point of this blog. BODY SCANNERS!! Allow me to rant about the whole TSA body scanner/ pat down situation going on in a majority of airports around the nation because I know that's what you like.
A common response I often hear from people when talking about body scanner/ pat downs sounds a little something like this, "ah, who cares what they do as long as I'm safe." Safe??? Right! If you find yourself in a conversation with someone about this topic and they regurgitate that same sentence to you, then you have Plan B's permission to punch that person in the face.
First off, there's NOTHING safe about walking thru the body scanner, they're basically X-ray machines. If you've ever had an X-ray in the past for a broken bone, or at the dentist or whatever, you'll remember someone putting a giant lead vest over your body. That vest is meant to protect you from the harmful radiation that gets omitted from the X-ray machine for a test that lasts about 2 seconds, no big deal. But, when you enter a body scanner machine your wearing NO lead vest for protection and they make you stand there for 15 seconds while they blast your body with deadly radiation. Is that something you want to expose yourself to?? Guys, think about your balls getting zapped with X-rays for 15 seconds and tell me that body scanners are safe.
Ok, so you dont wanna go through the body scanner....smart call. But what's your next option? Well, you can 'opt out' of the body scan but that means you're going to have to go through a full body enhanced pat down from a TSA agent. After all, YOU'RE a terrorist! They'll reach down your pants and get all up in your crotchal region, they'll feel your titties with an open palm and they'll do it in front everyone in the airport... that is, unless you want to take it to a "private room" in which case you get a 3 song pat down. Remember, there's no sex in the pat down room.
Here's a picture of what a body scanner image looks like.

Pretty detailed ey??? A lot different from those murky ones they show on TV. I'm not mad at this picture because there's titties in it and boy do I love titts! Imagine if this was a picture of your wife, or your sister or your daughter... safety first right?? Let's say, for arguments sake, that your 15 year old daughter has a body scan image similar to the picture above minus the weapons but with the same set of perky breasts... wouldn't storing images of her naked body be considered as child pornography??? Think about that...
Nevermind the fact that the scanners and pat downs are a breach of our 4th amendment rights. The 4th Amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. The amendment specifically also requires search and arrest warrants be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. What probably cause does the TSA have for patting down 7 year olds?? If these security measures were put in place to 'keep us safe from terrorists' then why not just search suspicious people with Arabic backgrounds?? Well, you cant do that because then ultra-liberal dooshbags will call you a racist. So instead of search would-be terrorists the TSA will consider EVERYONE as a potential terrorist. Gotta be fair right???
Terrorism! Ahhh! Keep us safe from terrorists!!! That's the main reason why were subject to these intrusive security measures because terrorists want to blow you up! Terrorism is a great way to scare people into submission. Like that scary "Christmas Day Bomber". Lots of TV talking heads use him as an example of why we need body scanners, after all, he had explosives in his underpants! It's not like the bombers father warned the CIA and other government agencies about his crazy son 2 weeks prior to his arrest. Ignore the fact his name was on a terror 'watch list' but wasnt added to the 'no fly' list. Sure, he passed through multiple checkpoints without ID and some how got on an international flight with no passport but who hasnt done that right??? We need some body scanners right Michael Chertoff??????
If you dont think there's anything wrong with this blatant intrusion of rights and privacy then I feel bad for you... this isn't a 'conspiracy theory' this is really happening! I'm for security at the airport because there's obvious dangers but I think metal detectors were working just fine. Everyday Americans are giving up freedoms and privacy under the guise of being kept safe from terrorism. It's all bullshit. Where does it end??? We give and inch, they take a foot... where does it end????
I personally dont mind body scanners, I am proud of my huge package and dont mind showing it off to the world.... and the whole radiation thing shiiiiiit I put alot worse crap in my body over the years. But Plan B I do agree with the incredible lack of respect for our right to privacy as stated in the 4th Admendment. It is more than apparent that the good ol' US of A has gone from a respectable racist society to an overly PC state where it is more important to be polite and not offend people than to follow the guidelines set forth by our founding fathers, in a lil document titled The Bill Of Rights. Profiling is done in every walk of life yet its frowned upon when it comes to national security.... And I dont know about anyone else but Im gonna go ahead and say they should maybe raise the qualifications for hiring a TSA officer, have you seen some of these retards? A Metal Detector and a TSA officer who not only knows his ass from his elbow, but is also allowed to profile will work just fine, if i wanna show my junk to the world I will just go the Bret Favre route!
^^^^^^^ this might be the most eloquent comment ever made on the plan b blog spot...kudos mystery reader! btw, i think i know who wrote this...
I don't disagree with the harmful effects of radiation. In fact, I would not agree to willingly walk through an x-ray machine based just on principle. However, the situation is more complicated than that.
First off. I've flown domestically twice since the law was implemented, and they don't use it at all for domestic flights. That part isn't really highlighted by our sensationalist media.
Second, if I'm going to a club on a saturday night, some bouncer dude is gonna grab my junk to make sure I don't have a gun. Nobody ever thought that was unreasonable. Because it isn't.
Also, when this dude who was on a "no-fly" list, not only did fly, but flew with firecrackers in his underwear, the only thing you heard about was the complete lack of security, and how not safe we were. And even after 9/11 security measures were increased, he still got on a flight with a bomb in his undies. So you can't have it both ways.
The 4th amendment protects you from illegal search and seizure. However, airlines are private companies and you aren't required to fly. In fact you aren't entitled to travel by plane by any law, it's a privilege that can be revoked by any airline, for any reason. Even the NYC subways are privately owned, and you're always welcome to walk down the street to another train station where they aren't doing backpack searches to get on the train.
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